Enough is Enough

Stop the mind numbing wheel of "doing" and start BEing in your own life.

If you are an Empath, HSP (highly soulful/highly sensitive), Self proclaimed Type A or start all the things to actually finish none...

I'm Marlisa and welcome, you are home.

I help people find themselves again and activate the medicine that has been in them all along.

You deserve the love, career and finances that support you and allows you to be your fullest version of yourself.

Are you ready to breakthrough in your life?

smiling headshot of MarLisa

Turn what drains you into a Superpower

You do everything for so many people and it's getting you nowhere but frustrated and stressed. You think doing it all is helpful but in fact it is sending the wrong message!

To be the lighthouse you need your own light first to show others the way.

You become magnetic to opportunities and things come easily to you.

You have the time and resources (financial and emotional) to make aligned decisions that feel so good EVERY SINGLE TIME.

This is Your Juicy Life.

Finally experience the success you deserve

  • A fireworks hot & connected relationship

  • Making money easy & happy

  • Launching your side biz or your dream

  • Feeling well & healthy in your body temple

  • Connect deeply to source & your unique purpose

By doing this for yourself you create the legacy for your family that you have only dreamed about, until now! This may include:

-A second Property

-International Vacations

-A House Cleaner or Child Care

-An investment portfolio

-Semi retiring or switching careers

All while feeling a sense of connection and peace that wasn't there before

woman floating in a pool in bali

Why would I see a Life Coach?

Because your life begins to feel like flow, not force.

You end the people pleasing and actually start doing the things that feel authentic to you, not what society or patterns dictate.

Your Personal Juicy Life Plan

You have big dreams and goals, you just need YOUR unique blueprint to get there. Remove the confusion, decision fatigue and other peoples problems!

This changes everything.

Why you want to work with MarLisa

I am a Tony Robbins coach trained in high performance, leadership, feminine empowerment, trauma, reiki and fitness. Vastly educated in my favorite, the school of LIFE.

Empath & HSP (highly soulful)

You know you do all the things for others and you don't want to stop, you just want MORE for yourself!

Go from exhausted to empowered with your Juicy Life Design. End people pleasing, co-dependency, perfectionism and playing small.

Your H-A-P-P-Y-R Design has:

*The ability to truly be-friend yourself and make the best choices going ahead for you and your loved ones

*Learn how to create and contain energy and remove energy vampires from your life

*Break old family patterns and limiting beliefs before you pass them on

*Feel connected love for the first time, call in or deepen your fireworks relationship

*Understand your unique body, health, food and movement plan that feels so easy

*Not get triggered anymore and stay in your grounded, wise self

  • *Finally get supportive money in your life! No more working like crazy for so little. You heal your money story and happy, easy money comes into your bank account.

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